The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

There's no regular episode of the SWU Podcast this week, but instead we a special short Dominic and Chris recorded this week answering a series of six questions Ben came up with about Star Wars and more!  We'll be back with a regular episode next week where we'll talk about the Sabine casting news, our experiences at SDCC Special Edition and more!

Direct download: SWU_Questions_25-11-21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:01am PDT

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris share their thoughts on the latest Star Wars news, including Kathleen Kennedy's contract extension, the return of Dark Horse comics, and Grogu at the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.  They start by discussing Kathleen Kennedy tenure at Lucasfilm, what's gone right and what's gone wrong, and what they're hoping to see in the next three years.  Then they talk about the latest publishing and collecting news, including Dark Horse comics publishing new Star Wars comics again and LEGO's new USC AT-AT.  Plus, the physically biggest Star Wars news of the year, our pitches for Star Wars Story films, and speculation about Moff Gideon and Grand Admiral Thrawn's role in the future of the Mandoverse.  All this and much more!
Direct download: SWU_19-11-21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55pm PDT

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris are joined by Hannah Raeside of the Star Wars Culture podcast (link) to discuss the latest Star Wars news from Disney+ Day and beyond!  They start by breaking down the new "Sizzle reel" for Obi-Wan Kenobi and teasing out whatever hints they can from the concept art revealed.  Then they share their thoughts on the new documentary Under the Helmet: The Legacy of Boba Fett and the character's journey from concept to star of his own series over 43 years.  And then they talk about the reports that Patty Jenkins' Rogue Squadron film has been delayed due to scheduling issues.  Plus, Pedro Pascal is recording new lines of dialogue as Din Djarin, Obi-Wan goes undercover as Anakin, why Star Wars fans always get their hopes up for events like Disney+ Day.  All this and much more!
Direct download: SWU_13-11-21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:53pm PDT

THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT TRAILER BREAKDOWN!!! This week, Dominic, Ben, and Chris share their observations on the first trailer for The Book of Boba Fett, including how Fett has changed over the years, his relationship with the Underworld, and what characters they'd like to see appear in the show. Then they talk about the rumors of a new animated series about Darth Maul and Crimson Dawn before Solo. Then they look at the rumored trailers and teases that will drop next week on Disney+ Day (November 12th). And, Dominic chats with the Hasbro Star Wars team about their latest reveals. Plus, how Dave Filoni could get his revenge for the response to The Clone Wars movie, what Star Wars creator is most likely to bring back Mace Windu, and how it's not inconceivable that we get a new Star Wars release on Disney+ in 51 out of 52 weeks in 2021. All this and much more!

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Direct download: SWU_05-11-21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm PDT