The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

On this episode Chris and Dominic continue their annual tradition of doing a show the day after Christmas (aka Boxing Day).  This year they're joined by Ciaran from The Clone Wars Strikes Back to discuss the news and look back on the year that was.  They have three major tangents about who's action figures were leaked, how to promote The Force Awakens, and the future of television online.  Plus they look back at some highlights from 2014 including the premiere of Rebels, the Lost Missions, and (of course) the The Force Awakens teaser trailer.  All this and much more!

Episode Break down:
0:00:00 to 0:35:18 Intro + Christmas Stories + News/Rumors
0:35:18 to 1:01:31 Spoilers
1:01:31 to end of show: Year In Review

Twitter: @TheSWU
Subscribe and Review on iTunes
Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_LIVE_BD_2014.mp3
Category:SWU Podcast -- posted at: 11:22pm PST

On this Christmas themed episode Dominic and Ciaran (aka Santa and Rudolph) break down the episodes Shadow Warrior, Mercy Mission, and Nomad Droids.  From Jar Jar and Grievous to 3PO and R2 wacky adventures, they cover it all!  Plus the death of Tarpals, Clones being jerks, and more discussion about what powers in the galaxy are the Force and what aren't.  All this and much more!

Twitter: @TCWStrikesBack

Direct download: Episode_25.mp3
Category:The Clone Wars Strikes Back -- posted at: 10:25pm PST

It's present to you, the listener!  Join Chris, Ben, and Dominic as they watch the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978, complete with commercials!  Much like the special itself, the commentary is long, poorly thought out, uncomfortable at times, and contains several out of place musical numbers (ok, I may be lying about some of those).  So sit back, relax, and try to enjoy as we relive one of the darkest days in Star Wars history!

>> Watch along with us, download The Holiday Special here

Twitter: @TheSWU
Subscribe and Review on iTunes
Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: the-swu-holiday-special-commentary-live_1.mp3
Category:Special Rlease -- posted at: 12:56pm PST

On this episode Chris, Ben, and Dominic are joined by Mark Bellomo, author of 'The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Star Wars: 1977-1985', to talk about his new book, the state of Star Wars collecting, and how collection has changed since the 70s.  They also break down the latest news, including comments from Mark Hamill and Andy Serkis about The Force Awakens, plus Yoda's coming to Rebels, and which Clone Wars voice actor has reprised their role.  Also, new exclusive info about Lupita Nyong'o's character in The Force Awakens.  All this and much more! 

Episode Break down:
0:00:00 to 0:58:45 Intro + Interview with Mark Bellomo
0:58:45 to 1:30:41 News + Inside Info
1:30:41 to end of show: Rumors + Wrap Up

Twitter: @TheSWU
Subscribe and Review on iTunes
Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_LIVE_19-12-14.mp3
Category:SWU Podcast -- posted at: 11:25pm PST

On this episode Chris, Ben, and Dominic are back to break down the latest Star Wars News, and reveal some exclusive info!  First they break down the reveals of the character names of the leads in 'The Force Awakens.'  Then they discuss comments made by Disney CEO Bob Iger about the future of Star Wars at the Disney Parks, and make an exclusive reveal about the future of Star Tours!  They also discuss the recent novel 'Star Wars: Tarkin.'  From Tarkin's youth to the depiction of Darth Vader no stone is left unturned in their discussion.  Plus, Rebels at Celebration, more trailer reaction, and Dominic lays out a theory about how parts of 'Tarkin' may relate to 'The Force Awakens' and beyond....

Episode Break down:
0:00:00 to 1:04:37 Intro, News, Exclsuive Info
1:04:37 to end of show: 'Tarkin' discussion + Wrap up

Twitter: @TheSWU
Subscribe and Review on iTunes
Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_LIVE_12-12-14.mp3
Category:SWU Podcast -- posted at: 10:13pm PST

On this episode Dominic and Ciaran discuss the Mon Cala arc from the start of season 4.  From Prince Lee-Char to Riff Tamsen, and everything in between!  They also look at Ahsoka's  growth in these episodes.  Plus, Captain Ackbar, No Sori, the history on Mon Cala, and the gungan army.  All this and much more!

Twitter: @TCWStrikesBack

Direct download: Episode_24.mp3
Category:The Clone Wars Strikes Back -- posted at: 1:59pm PST

On this episode Chris, Ben, and Dominic break down the trailer for 'The Force Awakens'!  From the voice over to the new lightsaber to the Millennium Falcon and everything in between!  Plus we reveal some exclusive inside info on some of the characters in the new film!  Plus the latest new and rumors.  All this and much more!

Episode Break down:
0:00:00 to 1:33:00 Intro + Teaser discussion
1:33:00 to 1:45:13 Inside Info reveal
1:45:13 to 2:08:30 News + Rumors
2:08:30 to end of show: Live Calls + Wrap Up

Twitter: @TheSWU
Subscribe and Review on iTunes
Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_LIVE_05-12-14.mp3
Category:SWU Podcast -- posted at: 10:31pm PST