The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

NEW ANIMATED SERIES, STAR WARS RESISTANCE, ANNOUNCED!  On this episode Dominic, Ben, and Chris, discuss the exciting news that Star Wars animation is returning to TV this fall with Star Wars Resistance.  They share their thoughts on the idea of a 2D animated series, how it could handle connections to the films and other series, and what the cast might tell us about the tone of the series.  Plus they look at the latest Solo: A Star Wars TV spots, still images, posters, and touring exhibits.  All this and much more!

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Direct download: SWU_27-04-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:59pm PST

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris discuss the latest TV spots and stills for Solo: A Star Wars Story, analyzing what they may hint at about Han and Chewie relationship, Qi'Ra's past and present, and the fact that Dryden Vos is standing next to a suit of Mandalorian armor.  They also continue the discussion about The Last Jedi, covering several topics in a rapid fire style including Porgs, BB-8, Han's legacy, and the Praetorian Guards.  This leads to a massive debate over the Broom Boy scene, what's left to be told in Episode IX, and how the Sequel Trilogy compares to previous Star Wars trilogies.  All this and much more!

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Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_LIVE_20-04-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05pm PST

On this episode of Kanjikast, Dominic and Chris are joined by SWU Patreon supporters Rusty Zion, Katie Horn, Andy Seiner, Marina Payne, Patrick Bonfrisco, Matt Taylor, Mike Dengler, and Mark Dennison to discuss the new trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story.  The share their thoughts on the portrayals of the classic characters Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca, as well as on the new characters like L3-37, Tobias Beckett, Dryden Vos, and Val.  All this and much more!

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Twitter: @TheSWU
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Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: Kanjikast_Solo_Trailer_Discussion.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49pm PST

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY TRAILER BREAKDOWN!  On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris share their thoughts on the new trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story.  They analyze the potential relationships between Han, Lando, Qi'Ra, Beckett, Val, Dryden Vos, and Chewbacca.  Plus they look at how the marketing for the film compares to the previous three Star Wars films, and how this film might also be tonally different.  Plus, Solo gets a new poster, the toys hit shelves on Friday, the Poe Dameron comic features post-The Last Jedi content, and a Galaxy's Edge update.  All this and much more!

Support The SWU on Patreon
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Twitter: @TheSWU
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Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_13-04-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm PST

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris discuss recent comments from Tony Gilroy and Simon Pegg about Star Wars projects past.  They analyze what Gilroy said about his involvement in the Rogue One reshoots and his impact on the saga.  They also discuss Pegg's reveal that JJ Abram at one time considered making Rey's parents someone more connected to the saga, if this was a good idea, and what impact it may have (if any) on the future.  Then, Chris and Ben interview members of their families about their thoughts on The Last Jedi.  Plus, Solo updates, Pegg seems to change his tune on George Lucas, and what should the Solo opening titles be?  All this and much more!

Direct download: SWU_06-04-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm PST