The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

SPOILER ALERT!!!  This episode contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for Solo: A Star Wars Story.  If you have not seen the film and don't want to be spoiled, wait until you've seen the film to listen!

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris are joined by Shawn Geroux and Johnny Vorstenbosch from the Star Wars Wastelands podcast, musician Din from the band F-105, an filmmaker Tye Nelson (The Distant Echo: A Star Wars Fan Film) to share their immediate thoughts on Solo: A Star Wars Story!  They share their thoughts on the portrayals of characters new and old, as well as on how the world of this film compares to previous ones.  And yes, they do talk about THAT thing (you know the one), how it fits in with current Star Wars, and what it means going forward.  All this and much more!

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Direct download: Solo_Review.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11am PST

On this episode, Dominic and Ben are joined by SWU Patreon supporters Rusty Zion, Katie Horn, Andy Seiner, and Matt Taylor to talk about their anticipation for Solo: A Star Wars Story.  They share some predictions for the film including what surprising things they hope to see and what stuff they'd like to see but don't expect to.  They also talk about the Solo premieres in LA and Cannes, as well as the announcement that Star Wars Celebration is coming to Chicago in 2019.  All this and much more!

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Direct download: Kanjikast_May_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:32pm PST

On the final podcast before Solo: A Star Wars Story, Dominic, Ben, and Chris get you set for the film next week!  They discuss the early reactions to film from critics and look at some of the latest promotional material.  They also talk about the exciting announcement that Star Wars Celebration is coming to Chicago in 2019!  Plus, their thoughts on the latest episodes of Forces of Destiny, the latest rumors about future Star Wars films that may or may not be true, and is Warwick Davis reprising one of his roles from The Phantom Menace?  All this and much more!

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Direct download: SWU_18-05-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57pm PST

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris get you set for Solo: A Star Wars Story as the World Premiere festivities are taking place.  First, Chris gives a live report from the scene outside the red carpet at the world premiere (and nearly gets crushed in the process).  Then, Dominic and Ben analyze a slew of new TV spots and preview clips from Solo and try to work out the rough outline of the movie's plot, as well as discussing the potential character dynamics.  Then Chris rejoins the show for a follow-up on the red carpet and the guys break down the latest rumor about an Obi-Wan Kenobi stand alone film.  Plus, Star Wars trivia contests, the soundtrack listings for Solo, and chickens are canon now.  All this and much more!

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Direct download: SWU_LIVE_11-05-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:24pm PST

On this episode, Dominic, Ben, and Chris survey the latest bits of marketing for Solo: A Star Wars Story, including TV spots, featurettes, charity campaigns, and trading cards.  They speculate about how Han might meet Beckett and Val, what the dynamic between Han, Qi'Ra, and Dryden Vos might be, and why capes need to come back into fashion.  They also look at some early box office projections for Solo's opening weekend, talk what John Boyega growing his hair out for Episode IX might mean, and preview the next round of Forces of Destiny episodes.  All this and much more!

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Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: SWU_LIVE_04-05-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06pm PST