The Star Wars Underworld Podcast
On this episode, Dominic, Ben, Chris (briefly), and Hannah break down the latest episode of The Mandalorian, "Chapter 19: The Convert".  They start by discussing how this episode evolves the relationship between Bo-Katan and Din Djarin, showing how Bo might find something unexpected among the Children of the Watch.  Then they talk about Dr. Pershing's adventures on Coruscant with former(?) Imperial Comms Officer, Elia Kane.  And they look at the ways this episode exposes the flaws in the New Republic that will one day lead to the rise of the First Order.  Plus, more Oreo references, the days of the week in Star Wars, and the MAndorlorian.  All this and much more!
Direct download: SWU_17-03-23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25pm PST