The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

On this episode, Dominic is back from San Diego Comic Con to tell Chris and Ben all about his experiences there and break down all the exciting panels.  They revisit the The Clone Wars tenth anniversary panel and announcement that the series is coming back, and break down what this means for fans and for Star Wars animation in general.  They also delve into the latest publishing news, including the announcements that novels about Padme Amidala, as well as Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are in the works.  Then Dominic chats with Steve Evans and Joe Ninivaggi of the Hasbro Star Wars team about the latest announcements from Comic Con and what they are doing to combat distribution issues.  Plus the latest about Star Wars Resistance, what Clone Wars arcs could be featured when the series returns, and Dominic's review of the Star Wars Rebels season four blu-ray.  All this and much more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:12pm PST