The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

On this episode Dominic and Chris break down all the new The Last Jedi reveals from Entertainment Weekly!  The analyze the new images to see what they can tell us about the upcoming film, then they look at the interviews with the cast to glean what they can about what will happen in The Last Jedi.  Why did Kylo fall to the dark side?  How can/should he be redeemed?  How will the Poe/Holdo dynamic play out.  They tackle these questions and more.  They also discuss how Carrie Fisher has been used in the marketing of The Last Jedi and has Lucasfilm crossed the line with it?  Plus, they look at the latest TV spots, Rian Johnson gives us a brief update on his new trilogy, a Rogue One reunion of sorts, and how tall is the cast of The Last Jedi?  All this and much more!

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:23pm PST