The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

On our special monthly Patreon sponsored bonus show, Dominic, Ben, and Chris, are joined by SWU Patrons Jacob Campbell, Gary Myer, Matt Taylor, and Eric Strothers to talk about a variety of Star Wars topics.  They discuss possible connections between Rogue One and The Force Awakens, potential future A Star Wars Story film genres, who might die in Rogue One, the Ahsoka novel, and Star Wars Rebels.  Plus they engage in some self referential fun.  All this and much more!

Support The SWU on Patreon
Twitter: @TheSWU
Subscribe and Review on iTunes
Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: Patreon_October_2016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:29pm PST