The Star Wars Underworld Podcast

It's the first episode of a new series of Podcasts from The Star Wars Underworld.  Once a month, Chris, Ben, and Dominic will record a special episode of the podcast where all the topics are chosen by our supporters on Patreon!  This month, the guys are joined by Joey Mays to talk about their earliest memories of Star Wars, how they became fans, and how they got involved with The SWU.  Then, Chris, Ben, and Dominic, share what changes they would make to the Star Wars films, what Legends stories they would like to see adapted into animated series, and some thoughts about the young Han Solo movie.  All this and more!

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Vote for The SWU Podcast in the Star Wars Podcast Awards
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Voicemail: 1-410-989-1138
Listen live Thursdays at 9pm EST on Channel 1138

Direct download: Bonus_Patreon_Show_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm PST